Board of Directors

H.E. Dr. Wael Ali Armouti
Member of JODIC's Board of Directors - Companies General Controller- Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply


Dr. Wael Ali Armouti was appointed as Companies General Controller by a decision of the Council of Ministers on December 9th, 2019. Dr. Armouti is a Legal Specialist in Jordanian laws with extensive academic and practical experience in the governmental milieu since 1994. His experience varies in the fields of municipal, land, licensing, state property, and commercial legislations, in addition to commercial, companies, competition, e-commerce, and intellectual property laws


Previously, Dr. Armouti assumed the position of Legal Advisor at Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA) in 2005. His main responsibilities and duties varied among pleading in lawsuits concerning JFDA filed with courts, providing legal opinions and consultations, phrasing contracts and agreements and memorandums of understanding, cooperating with the Judiciary and the Parliament of Jordan in terms of training, legislations drafting, and law enforcement. Further responsibilities included handling intellectual property issues such as patents, trademarks, data protection for drugs test, and issues related to counterfeited drugs and pharmaceuticals.


During the period 2004-2005, Dr. Armouti was a Senior Legal Advisor at the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA). He contributed in preparing an important set of legislations and legal opinions that had a significant impact on infrastructure and investment preparation in Aqaba.


Prior to that, he held the position of Legal Researcher for three years at the Department of Companies Control/ Ministry of Industry and Trade. He assumed the responsibilities of pleading in lawsuits concerning the Department at all courts, providing counseling and juristic studies and key issues of company mergers and acquisitions, and liquidation. Also, he was responsible of phrasing contracts, agreements, and participating in the study and draft of related legislations. He was also a member of the Department’s committees.


Dr. Armouti worked as a Legal Researcher in the Legal Department of Municipality of Greater Amman during the period 1994 - 2001.


Dr. Armouti Holds Ph.D. and bachelor degrees in Law from the University of Jordan, and a master’s degree in Intellectual Property from the same University. His research papers have been published in several popular academic journals, and he recently published a book related to the topics of medicinal security in the Kingdom, and the impact of the TRIPS Agreement and the US- Jordan Free Trade Agreement.

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