Board of Directors

H.E. Mrs. Hala Bsaisu Lattouf 
Member of JODIC's Board of Directors - Partner in AYA for Consultancy & Development


By Royal Decree, H.E. Mrs. Hala Bsaisu Lattouf was appointed as the Minister of Social Development in June 2017 and held this position until October, 2018. Her Excellency headed three key Ministerial Committees: the Development Committee, the Gender Committee and the Social Safety Net Committee. She chaired the National Assistance Fund and the NGO Registrar Committee. Previously, H.E. held the same ministerial post during the period November 2007-February 1st, 2011.


In 2016, Her Excellency Mrs. Lattouf served as Senator - the Jordanian Parliamentary and chaired the Committees: Labour and Social Development, and the Japanese Jordanian Friendship. H.E. is currently a partner in Aya Consulting and Development, where she was previously Managing Director during the period March 2011 - June 2017.


Mrs. Lattouf started her career as a Foreign Currency Dealer at Jordan Investment and Finance Corporation (currently the Investment Bank) during the period 1988-1989. Then, in 1990 she moved to work as a Financial Analyst at the Ministry of Finance / Minister’s Office where she worked on matters relating to the 1988 Jordan Debt Restructuring. After that, H.E. worked as a Credit Officer of International Branches Department at Arab Bank, Head Office – Jordan during the period 1990-1991. She was then promoted to a number of positions: an Administrative Officer at the International Medical Institute in Georgia- United States of America during the period 1991-1993; a Coordinator of the World Bank Project at the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, 1995-1997, and a Team Leader in the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) - Jordan during the period 1997-2002; she headed the Programme Management Unit (PMU) and was responsible for the management of two teams: Information Communication Technology for Development (ICT), and Poverty and Gender.


During the period 2002 - 2005, Her Excellency held a number of positions: she served as the Secretary General of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, and the Ministry of Administrative Development / Public Reform Unit, and she held the position of Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister /Minister of State for Government Performance (January 2005 - May 2005). Then, during the period May 2005-2007, she served as an Executive Director for the World Links Arab Region (WLAR) and then she worked as an Office Director for Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah.


H.E. Mrs. Lattouf holds a master's degree in Accounting and Finance from London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK in 1990 and a bachelor’s degree in Distinction in Economics and Applied Statistics (Major) and Business Administration (Minor) in 1987 from the University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. She is also a member of the board of various institutions and associations and chaired many delegations. Besides, she has published several articles.

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