JODIC's Management

Dr. Mohammad Khataybeh
Director of the Insurance and Liquidation Department 


The department carries out the responsibilities of designing, implementing, and developing policies relevant to deposit insurance with the purpose of creating incentives for depositors to exercise market discipline and for banks to continuously improve their risk management. The department also carries out the liquidator's functions for any bank that the Central Bank of Jordan decides to liquidate according to the provisions of JODIC's Law and to other relevant regulations and decisions.

Its responsibilities as a liquidator include the design and development of policies relevant to the liquidation process so that functions be performed efficiently and effectively. They also include developing and managing depositors' reimbursement procedures according to the provisions of JODIC's Law and to other relevant regulations and decisions.

This department consists of:

  • Insurance Division
  • Research and Development Division
  • Liquidation, Banks Resolution and Legal Consultation Division


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