Jordan Deposit Insurance Corporation (JODIC) participates in the Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of IADI.

The International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) was formed on 6 May 2002 as a non-profit organization constituted under Swiss Law. It aims to contribute to the stability of financial systems by promoting international cooperation in the field of deposit insurance and providing guidance for establishing new, and enhancing existing, deposit insurance systems, and to encourage wide international contact among deposit insurers and other interested parties.


JODIC Joined IADI since its inception in 2000 looking forward to the importance of exchanging international experiences in the field of deposit insurance, such as participating in studies, researches, training and access to the experiences and systems of various deposit insurance systems in the world, where the number of members and participants in the Association reached Nearly one hundred countries from all over the world, as well as compliance with the core principles of deposit insurance systems issued by the Association and internationally approved.



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